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我不知道唱不出一首歌的感觉 我不知道唱不出一首歌的感觉 2018-03-27 08:54 40971 举报

ESPN 3月26日LOL战力榜公布



1. Kingzone DragonX

Record: 16-2 | League: LCK | +/-: --

2. Invictus Gaming

Record: 14-1 | League: LPL | +/-: +1

No one in South Korea can stop Kingzone DragonX and no one in China can stop Invictus Gaming. The problem for iG's opponents starts in draft with who to target. iG has carry threats in every lane, from mid laner Song "Rookie" Eui-jin to AD carry Yu "JackeyLove" Wen-Bo to top laner Kang "TheShy" Seung-lok. Yet one of the players that had the most impact against Royal Never Give Up was jungler Gao "Ning" Zhen-Ning, who was tasked with shutting down RNG's Hung "Karsa" Hau-Hsuan and succeeded with Olaf. iG smashed the East Region's third-best team in 50 minutes of total game time between the two games.

3. Afreeca Freecs

Record: 13-5 | League: LCK | +/-: -1

4. KT Rolster

Record: 13-5 | League: LCK | +/-: --

5. KSV

Record: 9-9 | League: LCK | +/-: +3

6. ROX Tigers

Record: 9-9 | League: LCK | +/-: +1

7. Rogue Warriors

Record: 13-2 | League: LPL | +/-: -2

8. Royal Never Give Up

Record: 9-6 | League: LPL | +/-: -2

9. SK Telecom T1

Record: 9-9 | League: LCK | +/-: -1

10. Fnatic

Record: 14-4 | League: EU LCS | +/-: --

playoff contenders

11. 100 Thieves

Record: 12-6 | League: NA LCS | +/-: --

12. Snake Esports

Record: 11-4 | League: LPL | +/-: +1

Snake Esports further made its case as the best team in the West Region this past week, with their victory over EDward Gaming and stylish stomp of Vici Gaming that included AD carry Yang "kRYST4L" Fan's signature Draven pick. What used to be one of the best teams in the Unsealed Spellbook meta experienced an expected dip once 8.4 hit China and hasn't fully recovered since. Although jungler Lê "SofM" Quang Duy and top laner Li "Flandre" Xuan-Jun are fairly consistent in their respective playstyles, Flandre's more aggressive tendencies still put him at risk, especially if the rest of the team can't collapse as easily after his initiation. Snake's other weak point is their bot lane. While Liu "Hudie" Yan-Zhu is a strong support for the team, kRYST4L's laning issues persist, allowing opponents to push them in and take advantage of that bot side pressure.

13. Splyce

Record: 11-8 | League: EU LCS | +/-: -+3

14. Suning Gaming

Record: 9-7 | League: LPL | +/-: +4

We've spoken of the proactive push that jungler Yang "H4cker" Zhi-Hao gives Suning Gaming previously when the team chose H4cker as its starter over Gao "Tian" Tian-Liang. It can't be understated how important it is for H4cker and mid laner Zhuo "Knight" Ding to get ahead in the early game because Suning know how to snowball intelligently. Most recently, this was showcased against Rogue Warriors where H4cker stalked Sung "Flawless" Yeon-jun in his own jungle, setting up a 4-1 with Knight's comfort pick of Ekko. Suning also attacked ROG's bot side in Game 2 and despite stalling out in the mid game, were able to take advantage of an ROG baron rush to clinch the sweep.

15. Jin Air Green Wings

Record: 7-11 | League: LCK | +/-: -1

16. EDward Gaming

Record: 11-5 | League: LPL | +/-: -4

The more series EDward Gaming play, the more the team's strengths and weaknesses are repeatedly on display. Chen "Haro" Wen-Lin's recent gaffes have spurred requests for Ming "Clearlove" Kai to return to the Rift, and EDG still doesn't seem to know what exactly they want to do with top laner Jeon "Ray" Ji-won, whose split pushing prowess hasn't really been used by EDG. All that being said, EDG still seem to be aware of how they want to win - through bot lane - and also how to execute this, even if the in-game execution is off. Snake Esports' victory over EDG mid-week seemed more like an EDG loss than a Snake win, and EDG's execution remained inconsistent against Oh My God, one of the worst teams in the West Region. EDG only have two more weeks to improve their cohesion and decision-making before the end of the split.

17. Team WE

Record: 8-7 | League: LPL | +/-: --

Regardless of roster, Team WE still seem too addicted to drafting scaling compositions that lose early, putting a greater burden not only on rookie jungler Zhou "Magic" Jun-Xuan (who already trying to fill the big shoes of Xiang "Condi" Ren-Jie) but on mid laner Su "xiye" Han-Wei. Additionally, without Condi, WE has lost not only its early game spark, but has also suffered from a lack of teamfight coordination, making some of these drafts even more questionable. Against Bili Bili Gaming, WE looked a bit better both in terms of teamfighting and coordination between Magic and the rest of his team - with a classic WE composition around Xiye's Galio and AD carry Jin "Mystic" Seong-jun on Kog'Maw - but they still have a lot of work to do if they want to contend with EDward Gaming or Snake Esports at the top of the West Region.

18. bbq Olivers

Record: 6-12 | League: LCK | +/-: +2

19. Clutch Gaming

Record: 11-7 | League: NA LCS | +/-: +1

20. FunPlus Phoenix

Record: 6-8 | League: LPL | +/-:+4

This is FunPlus Phoenix's top 20 debut, thanks a bit to some of the playoff games that happened in North America and Europe, but primarily thanks to legacy Chinese mid laner Yu "Cool" Jia-Jun. While it's too early to say, "Cool is the answer," Cool is looking an awful lot like the answer for FPX, whose former starting mid laner, Feng "bing" Jin-Wei struggled to have strong mid pressure for jungler Hu "Pepper" Zhi-Wei. With Cool, the team already looks a bit more cohesive, and doesn't have to make up for the lack of a mid lane push. Maybe it's a bit too soon, and FPX will falter in a tough, three-game Week 9 that ends with a match against top West Region team, Snake Esports, but for now, they've earned the 20 spot.



  • 革命卫队 2018-03-27 09:23
    赞(59) 回复 举报 11#


  • 繁星星的他 2018-03-27 09:22
    赞(46) 回复 举报 10#

    韩国没有人可以阻止Kz,中国也没人可以阻止ig。iG对手的问题是要针对谁,iG在每条线上都带有威胁,从中路歌手“rookie ”宋义进到ADc“Jackey Love”喻文波再到上单“TheShy”Seung-lok。然而,对rng阻力最大的选手之一是高振宁“ning”,他负责关闭rng的节奏点karsa,并且他用奥拉夫做到了。两场比赛,iG在总比赛时间50分钟内击败了东部第三好战队

  • 愛尐凌 2018-03-27 09:04
    赞(36) 回复 举报 4#

    哈哈哈 原谅我的笑点

  • 愛尐凌 2018-03-27 10:03
    赞(21) 回复 举报 19#

    渣雷螺旋爆炸:  看英文能看懂40%,看翻译能看懂10%😃

    龟龟 加起来就是50%了 🌚

  • 乐观的小市民 2018-03-27 09:49
    赞(11) 回复 举报 17#


  • 赞(9) 回复 举报 24#


  • 嘻嘻怪 2018-03-27 11:53
    赞(5) 回复 举报 44#


  • 贪睡的九零 2018-03-27 11:50
    赞(5) 回复 举报 43#


  • 愛尐凌 2018-03-27 09:22
    赞(4) 回复 举报 10#

    恰恰空不空:  IG=《成事在人》游戏 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

    成事在人游戏 又简称成人游戏?🌚


  • 赞(0) 回复 举报 1#


  • 赞(2) 回复 举报 2#

    Rogue Warriors cruised through Week 7 with sweeps over LGD Gaming and Topsports Gaming. Despite some odd choices around where and when to teamfight their opponents that went unpunished, it seemed like ROG would also cruise through Suning, who haven't had consistent mid-to-late game execution or late 5v5 teamfighting. Instead, Sung "Flawless" Yeon-jun was targeted by the mid/jungle duo of Suning and Suning bowled over ROG in Game 1, splitting them on the map. ROG have previously excelled when they can build team compositions supporting Flawless and AD carry Han "Smlz" Jin, but Suning showed what happens when ROG aren't allowed to facilitate their carries in large-scale fights. Going forward, it will be up to ROG to finally adjust their strategy a bit and work towards becoming more flexible.

  • 赞(2) 回复 举报 3#

    Royal Never Give Up are a strong team, but they're not quite where they need to be in order to contend for top in the East Region, especially with Invictus Gaming and Rogue Warriors. Against JD Gaming, RNG faltered and we once again saw the volatility of jungler Liu "Mlxg" Shi-Yu in Game 2. With Hung "Karsa" Hau-Hsuan starting in an all-important match against iG, RNG were undone by the multiple carry threats, jungler Gao "Ning" Zhen-Ning, and top laner Kang "TheShy" Seung-lok from iG, especially when iG split the map against RNG's protect-the-Kog'Maw composition. RNG still look stronger than their top three West Region compatriots in Snake Esports, EDward Gaming, and Team WE, but will have to improve more if they want to make an LPL title run.

  • 愛尐凌 2018-03-27 09:04:32
    赞(36) 回复 举报 4#

    哈哈哈 原谅我的笑点

  • 心之轨迹w 2018-03-27 09:06:43
    赞(0) 回复 举报 5#


  • 赞(2) 回复 举报 6#

    愛尐凌:  哈哈哈 原谅我的笑点


  • JAAAAAKI 2018-03-27 09:19:08
    赞(0) 回复 举报 7#


  • 恰恰空不空 2018-03-27 09:19:26
    赞(0) 回复 举报 8#

    愛尐凌:  哈哈哈 原谅我的笑点

    IG=《成事在人》游戏 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

  • 愛尐凌 2018-03-27 09:22:11
    赞(4) 回复 举报 10#

    恰恰空不空:  IG=《成事在人》游戏 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

    成事在人游戏 又简称成人游戏?🌚

  • 繁星星的他 2018-03-27 09:22:41
    赞(46) 回复 举报 10#

    韩国没有人可以阻止Kz,中国也没人可以阻止ig。iG对手的问题是要针对谁,iG在每条线上都带有威胁,从中路歌手“rookie ”宋义进到ADc“Jackey Love”喻文波再到上单“TheShy”Seung-lok。然而,对rng阻力最大的选手之一是高振宁“ning”,他负责关闭rng的节奏点karsa,并且他用奥拉夫做到了。两场比赛,iG在总比赛时间50分钟内击败了东部第三好战队

  • 革命卫队 2018-03-27 09:23:08
    赞(59) 回复 举报 11#


  • ..768578 2018-03-27 09:31:08
    赞(0) 回复 举报 12#

    JAAAAAKI:  苏宁9-7那rw应该是13-3呀


  • 查理先生 2018-03-27 09:32:37
    赞(0) 回复 举报 13#

    怎么奶起了fpx啊 好怕

  • JAAAAAKI 2018-03-27 09:33:21
    赞(1) 回复 举报 14#

    ..768578:  上周的榜,这周不结算了,因为要进季后赛了。


  • KingofComedy- 2018-03-27 09:47:28
    赞(2) 回复 举报 15#


  • 渣雷螺旋爆炸 2018-03-27 09:49:00
    赞(1) 回复 举报 16#

    愛尐凌:  哈哈哈 原谅我的笑点


  • 乐观的小市民 2018-03-27 09:49:35
    赞(11) 回复 举报 17#


  • 追梦人434385 2018-03-27 10:02:44
    赞(1) 回复 举报 18#


  • 愛尐凌 2018-03-27 10:03:22
    赞(21) 回复 举报 19#

    渣雷螺旋爆炸:  看英文能看懂40%,看翻译能看懂10%😃

    龟龟 加起来就是50%了 🌚

  • 锐123685 2018-03-27 10:18:13
    赞(1) 回复 举报 20#

    This is FunPlus Phoenix's top 20 debut, thanks a bit to some of the playoff games that happened in North America and Europe, but primarily thanks to legacy Chinese mid laner Yu "Cool" Jia-Jun. While it's too early to say, "Cool is the answer," Cool is looking an awful lot like the answer for FPX, whose former starting mid laner, Feng "bing" Jin-Wei struggled to have strong mid pressure for jungler Hu "Pepper" Zhi-Wei. With Cool, the team already looks a bit more cohesive, and doesn't have to make up for the lack of a mid lane push. Maybe it's a bit too soon, and FPX will falter in a tough, three-game Week 9 that ends with a match against top West Region team, Snake Esports, but for now, they've earned the 20 spot.

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