LOL野区 17485 组员 这里啥都能聊

手中纸丶心头爱 手中纸丶心头爱 2017-02-21 14:35 24839 举报


I'm actually kind of surprised/impressed that the Polish Embassy has a weibo.


——And it's not like they can reliably use Twitter for general announcements.


——I thought this was a trump joke.


——Not all jokes are trump jokes, but all trump quotes are mostly jokes.


The Embassy and EDG are not blaming each other, just each giving details on why there was a visa problem. Just fans loving drama really ...


Kinda obvious that EDG had no intention to go to IEM anyway. But SKT forfeited their invite while EDG for some reason decided that they should blame someone for it. Never heard anything bad about Poland in terms of visas.


Even North koreans get Visas to poland no problem


——The Germans don't need Visas. They just go when they want to :)


——The last time the Germans went where they wanted to didn't end up too well (at least for Poland).


I wonder how many salty EDG fans harassed the Poland Embassy for them to have to respond.


Another juicy story:

A bunch of fan girls went to post some hateful comments like:how dare you decline EDG's visa application you north korea of europe. This is why Poland embassy decided to post this today.

Also,it's received not recived in the title. I'm dying here. Gahhh



——I know about that term from reading those eastern fantasy novels with flying swords。



——Well at least the asian teams have fangirls. In the west? "Lol video games they are losers."


Eh, we're more like the Mexico of Europe. Staunchly Catholic, fiercely patriotic, source of cheap physical labor, stereotyped as rude and obnoxious.


——Im polish and although I agree we do stand out in a way Ive never heard us being stereotyped as rude and obnoxious lol


——We are stereotyped as a bunch of alcoholics though




They probably didnt expect the embassy to follow the scene, or care enough to say anything. It's quite unusual for embassy or any visa related organization to announce things like this. EDG messed up.


unseen embassy is the deadliest.


After three consecutive disappointing showings at Worlds and then this. EDG may become the most hated team in China.


——there really is a double standard here, EDG had 3 top 8 in worlds and a MSI title, which was more impressive than every none korean team bar fnatic and would be thought of as amazing if they are from eu or na.


——Disappointing showings at Worlds. Most hated team and biggest fanbase. Yeah, definitely TSM is like EDG


EDG has so many daddies in EU, can't they just apply for family visitor visas?



  • 月光藏心 2017-02-21 16:25
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  • 布恩迪亚家族的上校 2017-02-21 16:08
    赞(17) 回复 举报 7#


  • 羊尼玛 2017-02-21 15:02
    赞(8) 回复 举报 2#


  • 安静的嘘嘘 2017-02-21 14:59
    赞(8) 回复 举报 1#


  • 绘事后素 2017-02-21 19:36
    赞(4) 回复 举报 18#


  • snap 2017-02-21 19:42
    赞(3) 回复 举报 19#



  • 安静的嘘嘘 2017-02-21 14:59:19
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  • 羊尼玛 2017-02-21 15:02:12
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  • sweet刘夕 2017-02-21 15:16:17
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  • 毛线都不 2017-02-21 15:53:01
    赞(2) 回复 举报 6#

    unseen embassy is the deadliest这句还有欧洲朝鲜。。。 funny

  • 布恩迪亚家族的上校 2017-02-21 16:08:32
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  • 雾里涛涛 2017-02-21 16:17:07
    赞(1) 回复 举报 8#


  • 月光藏心 2017-02-21 16:25:17
    赞(27) 回复 举报 9#


  • Carrymelov3U 2017-02-21 16:49:38
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  • 一澄か几许 2017-02-21 17:08:34
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  • LeeZ权 2017-02-21 17:26:13
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  • 宫水三叶 2017-02-21 17:26:39
    赞(2) 回复 举报 13#

    布恩迪亚家族的上校:  如果s7edg和tsm分到了一组,就好看了


  • DawTnT 2017-02-21 17:39:25
    赞(0) 回复 举报 14#

    宫水三叶:  别把edg进S7都不一定

    就是 哈哈哈

  • 布恩迪亚家族的上校 2017-02-21 18:19:10
    赞(0) 回复 举报 16#

    宫水三叶:  别把edg进S7都不一定


  • 绘事后素 2017-02-21 19:36:26
    赞(4) 回复 举报 18#


  • snap 2017-02-21 19:42:55
    赞(3) 回复 举报 19#


  • 虫二飞飞飞 2017-02-21 20:57:21
    赞(0) 回复 举报 20#

    布恩迪亚家族的上校:  不是在自家门口举办吗,不用那些麻烦的程序吧


  • 李狗蛋儿 2017-02-21 21:06:08
    赞(0) 回复 举报 21#

    无形使馆 最为致命

  • Six_water 2017-02-22 07:48:40
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  • BOOM! 2017-02-22 08:29:28
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  • clearla5 2017-02-22 12:06:32
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