
Swan Swan 2016-07-29 09:28 18396 来源:wanplus.club 举报

前G2(Titan)选手Mathieu "Maniac" Quiquerez宣布自己将做为Unity队员重归职业选手行列。


Maniac在六月的时候就曾表示自己将结束在EnVyUs长达五个月的教练生涯,重新做回职业选手。这次他加入的新队Unity中还有Casper "cadiaN" Møller, Jesper "TENZKI" Plougmann,Nicolai "glace" Jensen 和Estonian talent Kevin "HS" Tarn。


"When I left EnVyUs I openly claimed that all I wanted was to come back as a player," Quiquerez wrote in a statement. "Today I am very happy and proud to be part of this new roster. We all come from different paths, but we are now united to write a new chapter in our careers.

"We quickly realised that the strength of our team lies in our diversity and our balance. Some of us have played at the biggest competitions and know what it is like to compete against the very best. We also have new talents, young and "hungry" players with true firepower that want more than anything to make a name for themselves.

"Nevertheless we don't fool ourselves. Our goal is to become a major team but we know it will require a tremendous amount of work and we are all ready to sacrifice what's needed in order to reach our goals.

"This is why, after the holiday break, we will have a five-days bootcamp in Copenhagen. We will build the foundations of the team and also prepare for Power-LAN.

"We are also currently in the playoffs of both HitBox Challenge #2 and GG Masters, and we are looking to attend as many events and play in as many online competitions as we can.

"For now we will go by the name Unity, and we are looking for an organisation to support. All interested organisations can contact our manager, Hampus, at the following e-mail address: Hampus.joh@outlook.com.

"We would like to thank you all for your support. We will do our best to live up to it."

在这之前,Unity的这套阵容已经被邀请参加GG Master和Hitbox挑战赛,还取得了不错的成绩。他们的第一次线下比赛将是一个月后的POWER-LAN的比赛,届时他们将于Astralis,Dignitas和X交手。


前G2选手Maniac重归职业 Mathieu "Maniac" Quiquerez

前G2选手Maniac重归职业 Jesper "TENZKI" Plougmann

前G2选手Maniac重归职业 Nicolai "glace" Jensen

前G2选手Maniac重归职业 Casper "cadiaN" Møller

前G2选手Maniac重归职业 Kevin "HS" Tarn 



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