7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭

布草 布草 2016-07-13 12:07 18036 来源:wanplus.club 举报


7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭


7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭

  * Timbersaw strength gain reduced from 2.1 to 1.8


7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭

  * Death Prophet base strength reduced by 1


  * Spirit Siphon base health drain reduced from 16 to 14


7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭

  * Metamorphosis manacost increased from 50 to 100


  * Metamorphosis no longer lingers after reincarnation/death


7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭

  * Time Dilation manacost increased from 50 to 75


7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭

  * Astral Spirit vision reduced from 450 to 400


  * Beastmaster Boar XP bounty increased from 59 to 60/70/80/90


7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭

  * Riki's Blink Strike damage reduced from 60/80/100/120 to 55/70/85/100


  * Lane Creeps now give 20% of XP when denied by neutrals rather than 0%  (normal player denies give 50% XP)

  -线上小兵如果被中立生物击杀则会获得20%经验, 以前是0% (普通玩家反补是50%)

7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭

  * Astral Imprisonment damage increased from 75/150/225/300 to  100/175/250/325


  * Arcane Orb intelligence duration increased from 60 to 80


7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭

  * Bloodlust manacost reduced from 75 to 50


7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭

  * Meepo agility growth increased from 1.9 to 2.2


7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭

  * Stone Form cooldown reduced from 26 to 20


7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭

  * Arcane Curse damage increased from 14/21/28/35 to 14/22/30/38


7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭

  * Brewmaster Boulder damage increased from 50 to 50/100/150


  * Brewmaster Dispel Magic damage to illusions and summoned units increased  from 500 to 850

  -酒仙风暴元素的驱散魔法现在作用于幻象和召唤单位, 范围从500增加至850

7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭

  * Press the Attack's attack speed bonus increased from 60/80/100/120 to  65/90/115/140


7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭

  * Sniper turn rate improved from 0.6 to 0.7


  * Sniper night vision increased from 1000 to 1100


7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭

  * Warlock Golems HP increased from 900/1350/1800 to 1000/1500/2000


7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭

  * Thirst bonus rescaled from 10/20/30/40% to 16/24/32/40%


7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭

  * Lightning Bolt ministun increased from 0.1 to 0.2


7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭

  * Stampede slow duration increased from 1.5 to 1.8


7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭

  * Shadow Fiend movement speed increased from 310 to 315


7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭

  * Living Armor cooldown reduced from 32/26/20/14 to 30/24/18/12


7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭

  * Dismember strength based damage increased from 30/40/50 to 30/45/60%


7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭

  * Sand Storm cooldown reduced from 40/30/20/10 to 34/26/18/10


  * Epicenter manacost reduced from 175/250/325 to 150/225/300


7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭

  * Empower cleave AoE increased from 225 to 240




7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭


7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭


7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭


7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭


7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭

7月13日更新 6.88B平衡性改动 军团不朽来袭



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